Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Everyone else is doing it, so why don't I?

So many of my peeps are leaving the xanga world!! What's up with that?

Kinda funny that I have two blogs with very similar titles. But the title is very important to me. I have this long-held belief that Darwin was right and will continue to be right for a very long time.

Anyway, I've had this blog for a while, yet I never update it. So I thought, what the hell, why not?

Of course, I really don't have all that much to say.

I have the next two weeks off during the day!!! It's like Christmas all over again! Of course, after the two weeks are up, I have to work double duty at the theatre. Midsummer rehearsals in the morning and Tempest performances in the evening. Except for the weekends, where I have two shows each day.

If only I got paid hourly. Sigh. Nothing with "apprentice" or "intern" in the job description next year. "Assistant" maybe.


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