Thursday, September 08, 2005

Post MORE!!!!

I got a comment from a friend and fabulous person who says that I should post more because she needs stuff to read when she's having a lazy day. OK, I can get behind that. Unfortunately, I am bored. I'm at work where I will be all day--no, really. All day. 10-10. In the same chair. Doing the same thing. All day. Don't get me wrong, I like what I'm doing. I don't think I could do it for my whole life. Wait. Let me back up.

I am a PA with The Shakespeare Theatre--No, the Shakespeare Theatre Company, complete with new logo and all. My show, The Comedy of Errors, starring the beautiful and wonderful Fly Boy, Daniel Breaker, doesn't actually start until September 27th. It's currently the 9th. Putting two and two together, I realized that I would have no income coming to me until the 27th (or, more accurately, about 2 weeks later.) So I got a part time job. Two of them in fact. I House Manage for TST (or tSTC, as it were) and I sell tickets and such for The Woolly Mammoth Theatre (currently, that's their name. I don't think they're changing it any time soon.)

I like selling tickets. I like making money. But it does get monotonis (monotonus? doing the same thing over and over.) I do get to check my e mail and write adorable word vomit on my blog, but I sit and answer the phones. But I need more. I need The Comedy of Errors. Now!!! I need the actors running around losing things and sending me to find them. I need the heavy scenery built and transported by 4 large men that must be carried onstage by me and me alone. I need the massive blood loss from the paper cuts that I get whilst copying copious amounts of paper that will be recycled next week for the new copious amounts of paper that I will copy then. I need the rush and excitement. I need to have more problems thrown at me with only a second to make it right. That's what I live for.


I've decided that I love what I do. I love stage managing. But after a lengthy discussion with a co-hort, I came to the conclusion that no one retires from stage managing. It just doesn't happen. I think our bodies and brains would give out way before then. So what should I do? I think, do this now, and make arrangements for other stuff later. I'm not that old. I could feasibly do this for a few more years, if, god willing, I eventually get health insurance. But what about later. When I throw my back out from that piece of scenery that "wasn't that heavy?" What about if I get a dog? That dog won't know who I am!! I work a lot, you know.

But I love it. So, I guess what I'm saying is, we'll see what happens.

That was disjointed.

Right now, I want to share this with you.

And Scott is a family friend. That's why I shake my head.

But seriously, what is with Joss Stone???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, yay for posting more.

Second, monotonous.

Third, but Daniel doesn't fly in this show.... right?!?

Fourth, why am I not surprised you know Scott Hamilton.

Fifth, Tobin Atkinson was at the theatre last night, very nice conversation, he knows Patrick Page and Paige Davis. Wierd, huh? Of all the people...

Sixth, I miss you and Stacey.

Seventh, I was watching Sense & Sensibility. I do so enjoy costume dramas.

Eighth, I think I'm going back to bed.

11:53 AM  
Blogger ruehllin said...

1st, Thanks!! Hopefully next time it won't be so strange.

2nd, I'm a horrible speller.

3rd, No, but he'll always be my Fly Boy!!

4th, No one really is.

5th, Yeah, he's weird.

6th, I miss you, too!!!

7th, Ah...costume dramas, not costume drama. Got it! :)

8th, I'm at work. Leaving here and going to work. C'est la vie when you don't get paid all that much.

4:52 PM  

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