Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Betty and the Secret Service

Betty and the Secret Service
A play in one scene


Betty, a woman in her mid thirties. Stylish yet artsy. A no-nonsense type of woman. She wears a badge on a lanyard. She works for the venue.
Muscle, a man in his mid thirties. He is a member of the United States Secret Service. He must wear a suit and an earpiece.

Setting: The hallway lobby outside of Box 16 in a spectacular Concert Hall in the Washington, DC area during a birthday celebration for an ailing senator from a prominent Massachusetts family. Many American dignitaries and former presidential candidates are in attendance. Security is as tight as David Bowie’s pants in Labyrinth.

Scene 1
Lights up on Muscle standing outside of Box 16. Naturally he is standing with his jaw set and his hands folded in front of his belt. Betty runs on from stage left and heads toward Box 16. Muscle jumps in front of her.

Muscle: Ma’am, I’m sorry you cannot go in there.

Betty: No, it’s okay. I just need to get Famous Broadway Actor from his seat.

Muscle: Ma’am, I’m sorry. You cannot go in there.

Betty: No, it’s fine. I have a badge, see? (holds up badge) I just need to get Famous Broadway Actor from his seat. He’s performing next.

Muscle: Ma’am. I cannot let you in here. This is a clean room (referring to the 2200 seat theater), you came from a dirty room (referring to the backstage area from whence Betty has just come and where The President is currently standing). You can’t come through here.

Betty: You don’t understand! I need Famous Broadway Actor! (pulls out program, points to Famous Broadway Actor’s name) He’s next! He’s in the show! He’s an actor!

Muscle: Ma’am, John Wilkes Booth was an actor too.


End of Play


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