Wednesday, July 13, 2005


So, I don't normally post things like this, but I read something today that got to me. (From TIME magazine)

"He told me if there is anything--anything--he could do, to not be afriad to call him. It really lightened me a bit." Errol Rose, whose son Christopher, 15, was killed for an iPod, about a phone call of condolence he received from Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs.

Then I read this.

Now. I may be wrong, but doesn't it seem like Steve Jobs could be doing a lot more for the youth of America than calling the parents of children killed over his products? Does anyone else remember the scare when we were little over Air Jordans and those stupid jersey jackets? Children killing other children over their shoes?!? And now over iPods?

Hey, Steve, I have an idea on something you can do: lower the damn price!! Make them more accessible!! Stop thinking about the bottom line!

Yes, I know, this will not stop the killing. Nothing will, but someone should put their foot down! Someone who can actually accomplish something. Someone like Steve Jobs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you said, it used to be shoes and jackets, now it's iPods. IMHO insane greed and a lack of regard for human life are the culprits here, not Apple.

2:20 AM  

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