Monday, May 16, 2005

God. Hates. This. Show. Part. 2.

Continuing from the last post, add these new things: "Flying apparatus breaks because actor unclips and walks offstage because his testicles are squished" and "hanging scenery does not drop thus calling a halt to the show in which crew must walk out onstage to fix the problem" and "Oh my God!! I left my costume in my apartment!!!" and "Can we have a crew member go out in costume?"

But on the other side of the street, I work with awesome people!! These people who normally love to tell stories and whatnot, were actually able to throw a surprise wedding shower for me and I had NO IDEA!!! It was great! There were chocolate covered strawberries! You can't get much better than that.

Let's see, let's see. Cursed show ends on Sunday followed immediately (that evening) by tech for an outdoor show. I am looking forward to that! (No, really, I'm being serious. Seriously!!) Following that, I'm going back to Ohio. Yay! Ohio! (After stopping by Philly to visit Class 11.)

Alrighty then. That's enough outta me.


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