Sunday, May 01, 2005

Tony Robbins hungry!

Only a few more hours until new episodes of Family Guy!! Granted I have to make it through a two-show day first. Sigh...Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm just slightly tired. And stressed. And when I get stressed, I start to see things in my sleep. Things like people. People that fly. People without legs that crawl next to my bed. (That one freaked me out more than the others ever have.) It started when I was in college in my first apartment. I would start to fall asleep and I would think there was someone in my room. So I would call out to them. Of course, my roommate would hear me and ask me the next day "Who were you talking to?" Now I have a roommate who shares my bed and unfortunately, the people wake us both up. I feel bad about that, but I can't seem to make the people go away. Sounds crazy eh? No. This is crazy: I also chew on the sides of my tongue when I sleep.

For the rest of my life? We'll see. Every now and again, a 9-5 sounds pretty tasty.

Aside from writing about being in a funk, I think this was the most "personal" entry I've ever made.

You never know who's reading...(And creepy music....go.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An insightfull post. Will definitely help.

Karim - Creating Power

5:12 AM  

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