Sunday, May 29, 2005

i have a new definition of the word "futile"

Futile. 1. Mopping outside during a rainstorm. 2. Sweeping outside. Period. 3. Outdoor theatre.

I actually really love the show I'm working on. It's fabulous. It's just outside. With rain. And bugs. And wind. And trees.

Okee Dokee. 4 weeks and 6 days.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's over!

Finally. The storm has past.

Thank god.

"Why are you sitting down resting when we're so near the end?"

Going to see something tonight. Probably Star Wars. Very happy, yet oh so tired.

Monday, May 16, 2005

God. Hates. This. Show. Part. 2.

Continuing from the last post, add these new things: "Flying apparatus breaks because actor unclips and walks offstage because his testicles are squished" and "hanging scenery does not drop thus calling a halt to the show in which crew must walk out onstage to fix the problem" and "Oh my God!! I left my costume in my apartment!!!" and "Can we have a crew member go out in costume?"

But on the other side of the street, I work with awesome people!! These people who normally love to tell stories and whatnot, were actually able to throw a surprise wedding shower for me and I had NO IDEA!!! It was great! There were chocolate covered strawberries! You can't get much better than that.

Let's see, let's see. Cursed show ends on Sunday followed immediately (that evening) by tech for an outdoor show. I am looking forward to that! (No, really, I'm being serious. Seriously!!) Following that, I'm going back to Ohio. Yay! Ohio! (After stopping by Philly to visit Class 11.)

Alrighty then. That's enough outta me.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

God. Hates. This. Show.

"No Lindsey. Just you." -Issy

I have never worked on a show that has had more weird shit happen than this one. It's almost like God has a little wheel that He spins with various items such as "Actor Vomits Onstage" or "Awful Actor Will Drop Lines During Dangerous Scene" or "Lead Actor That Flies Will Go Out" or "Set Won't Move" or "Fly Operator Will Cross Lines While Trying To Hook In Aforementioned Lead Actor" or "Prop Runner Will Have Allergic Reaction While Onstage" or "Both The Top and Bottom Of An Understudy Chain Will Go Out Thus Leaving Actor Who Has Never Learned the Lines To Say A Big Monologue That Was Actually His To Begin With."

And then Vaclav Havel was there. Yes. THE Vaclav Havel. Former President of the Czech Republic. Any of these things happening by themself would not be so weird (except maybe the vomiting onstage and the former president things, those are weird by themselves.)

Why do I work where weird things happen? Am I a weird thing magnet? (No comment about the people I've dated...that's mean!!!)

Monday, May 02, 2005

Met a kid today... work whose parents bought him a townhouse for Christmas. A freaking townhouse!!! What the fuck?!?! I said "you know, for that much money ($225,000!!!!) they could have just paid your rent at college..."

And I can't find an apartment I can afford.

And for something completely different: Long Live Family Guy!! Long Die the Creepy Bugs in my Apartment!!! Fucking "Garden Level."

Sunday, May 01, 2005

An interview

I got this from Jeff.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your live journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Who's your hero?
My mother. She has been through a lot of horrible, horrible things in her life but she has never given up. She is still learning and working on making her life and the life of the family better. She is beautiful and strong.

2. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
After what I wrote for my answer to number 1, the answer to number 2 would be Bowling Green, OH. I get homesick sometimes.

3. What was the last movie you saw that you really loved?
Um...Being Julia. It made me remember why I love theatre and film. Theatre since that's what it's about, and film because it's just that damn good.

4. If you could write your own entry for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what would it read?
I think my entry would read: Theatre Technicians. They are a quiet species chosing to reside mainly in large, cold, dark rooms. Color is lacking from their wardrobes and they often travel in packs when out of doors (which is rare.) As a sub-species of humans, they are mostly harmless.

5. What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
HA! Well, at work it would be either "Freedom, Freedom, High-Day, High-Day, Freedom" or "Free the Flowers."

Now that I've posted 3 posts in a single waking day, I'm out.

Tony Robbins hungry!

Only a few more hours until new episodes of Family Guy!! Granted I have to make it through a two-show day first. Sigh...Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm just slightly tired. And stressed. And when I get stressed, I start to see things in my sleep. Things like people. People that fly. People without legs that crawl next to my bed. (That one freaked me out more than the others ever have.) It started when I was in college in my first apartment. I would start to fall asleep and I would think there was someone in my room. So I would call out to them. Of course, my roommate would hear me and ask me the next day "Who were you talking to?" Now I have a roommate who shares my bed and unfortunately, the people wake us both up. I feel bad about that, but I can't seem to make the people go away. Sounds crazy eh? No. This is crazy: I also chew on the sides of my tongue when I sleep.

For the rest of my life? We'll see. Every now and again, a 9-5 sounds pretty tasty.

Aside from writing about being in a funk, I think this was the most "personal" entry I've ever made.

You never know who's reading...(And creepy music....go.)