Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm not sure about this one...

It was between Inara and Simon??? Weird.

You scored as Inara, the "Companion". Inara Serra: WHORE.

Sure, sure, you are elegant, highly educated and arguably beautiful.
And you are highly selective about your clientele, blah-blah-blah.

BOTTOM LINE: You have sex for money, and that makes you a whore.


Simon, the Doctor


Inara, the "Companion"


First Mate Zoe


Jayne Cobb, resident bad-ass


Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Kaylee, the Mechanic




Shepherd Book


Wash, the Pilot


created with QuizFarm.com

2 more days!

Actors vs. Humans?

Why is it that people feel that they are entitled to have access to their favorite actors? I don't just mean reading things about them or seeing everything they do, but actual access. Seeing them in person and them speaking directly to you. All attention on you.

In the STC's Othello, we have a larger than regional theatre name playing the lead: Avery Brooks. (If you know him, you know him. If you don't, Star Trek: DS9.) Anyway, he has a strict policy of not greeting his fans and not signing autographs. He's a private man. Even the stage manager has said few words to him. This makes sense to me. Acting is his job. It's what he does for a living. He doesn't need to sign autographs for people. And he doesn't ask for much in return.

So we had a couple come up to us (house management) during the Sunday evening show. She asks "Can I meet Avery Brooks after the show?" (We have a guest list where the actors and crew can invite people to meet with them after the show. Avery has only put his son on the list.) Lynn, my boss says "No, I'm sorry. Avery has a policy...etc, etc, etc." The woman gets irritated: "Well, can you take something down for him to sign?" Lynn responds accordingly "No." Woman: "Can't you make an exception?" Lynn: "It's not our policy and if Avery made one exception, he'd have to make every exception and he'd never leave the theatre. I'm sorry." Woman: "Well, I don't understand why you can't do this for me." [I shall cut a bit here as this banter went on for a while.] Woman: "Well, you tell Avery that if he doesn't have his fans, he doesn't have a career." and walks away.

Now, I do understand the thrill of meeting a famous person (Paige Davis is very, very nice, by the way. And very tall.) But I can't say that I feel that I was entitled to meet her. Yes, I'm a fan of the show. Yes, meeting her was cool and exciting the first time, but after talking to her over a few days, I remembered that she's just another person. An actor who got a break, but still just a regular person who gets bored and likes potato pancakes. (She's a very funny and nice person.)

But what made this woman think she was entitled to see this man? Why was she so special? Like Avery owes her something. He does his work, she enjoys it. Shouldn't that be enough? Why do people act like that?

And the answer I came up with is this: Britney Spears. It's all her fault.

Now, I definitely know that people will disagree with this post, heck, even I kind of disagree with it when it comes to my favorite celebs. But think about it. Have you ever asked your GYN for her autograph for doing her job?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

And then it all makes sense again...

So, here are a few reasons that I'm happy at my job(s).

1. My boss said that he likes me and wants me to stay around.
2. We do good shows.
3. Other theatres do good shows too and I get to see them. Usually for free.
4. I make tips!! Yay tips!
5. I like theatre.
6. Where else can you sit around and talk to Paige Davis (of Trading Spaces fame) about Halloween costumes?

That's it.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Fun fact.

My friend slept with a monkey.

Peter Tork to be exact.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Little known fact, take 2

As I posted last night, you do not need water to run a show.

Unless it is an effect for the show.

In this case, it wasn't.

As Othello was killing Desdemona, the wonderful fountain above our stage (it's in the apartment building above us) began to leak. Again. (Yes, this has happened before. Twice now.) Water a sand began to pour onto the bed where Desdemona lay dead and Othello was waiting to kill Emilia and himself. It was raining on them.

Matthew called a halt to the show. The amazing and glorious tech staff began the scramble to clean up and to assess the damage. After about 5 minutes, they realized that the rain was not going to stop any time soon. Together, Joy and Matthew decide to cancel the rest of the show (10 minutes worth.)

As the house manager, my job was to deflect questions from the angry mob leaving the theatre. A highlight: A woman comes up to me and after asking "what happened? What's going on." she tells me that "Cancelling the show was the wrong decision." I tell her "The safety of the actors is our primary concern and it was impossible to continue the show." We go around and around for a few moments until I say "Ma'am, it is live theatre." Her response? "Live theatre goes on." Even after telling her that it was impossible IMPOSSIBLE to continue the show and human lives would be in danger!!!! Some people just don't get it. THEN her friend starts in on me: "What happened?" I tell her our standard response "Technical difficulty." She gets defensive that we're "Keeping secrets." I tell her that I just don't know, I wasn't backstage and she announces to everyone within earshot that "Oh!! It's a big secret, they can't tell us what happened!!!" I give up and just say "I'm sorry. If you'd like to come back and see the show, please let the box office know."

Some people.

If you'd like to read more, click on Kate Automation or Matthew over there on the right. There's pictures!

You need no water

So that post that I made earlier about needing electricity to run a show.

I amend it.

You need electricity.

You don't need water.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Oh, David Boreanaz. What a shame.

Better luck next time.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Get free clothes!

Do you have old clothes? Do you have a bunch of friends who covet your clothes? Want to get rid of stuff? I have a solution. Get all of your pals together (same sex works best, although most of the men I know probably wouldn't want to do this), bring your old clothes that you don't wear, and trade! (Adding alcohol usually helps.) You get some new duds and anything left at the end of the night gets donated to charity. Everyone wins. Tonight I got 3 pairs of pants, 2 dresses, and a rug. (Furnishings are optional, but last time someone took home an ice cube tray.)

That's about all. Pass it on to the girls you know.

This has been a public service annoucement brought to you by me.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

So, I had this coworker in Ohio...

And we used to talk about how we could get away with saying mean things to a person by prefacing and ending the statement with "I'm just saying." We never really meant the things that we said, such as "I'm just saying, Brad, you're fucking ugly. I'm just saying!" or "You know, Lindsey, you're a moron. I'm just saying." (I think we joked that people in New York would do that, so why couldn't we. I know it's not true but that's not the point of the post.)

There are some days I wish that this practice could actually work in the real world.

But, alas, it doesn't.

Or maybe, there could be a "no retribution" day where you could tell everyone what you thought about them and there could be no retribution. At all. Maybe they wouldn't remember it the next day but they would stop doing whatever damn fool thing they had been doing that would require such a day. But people (myself included) are too sensitive to take criticism. Especially when given point blank like "Hey, so-and-so, stop being such a jackass because you think you're better than everyone on the planet."

PS Faithful readers. None of my animosity towards mankind is directed at anyone who (I know) reads my word vomit. I heart all of you.

I'm just saying.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Post MORE!!!!

I got a comment from a friend and fabulous person who says that I should post more because she needs stuff to read when she's having a lazy day. OK, I can get behind that. Unfortunately, I am bored. I'm at work where I will be all day--no, really. All day. 10-10. In the same chair. Doing the same thing. All day. Don't get me wrong, I like what I'm doing. I don't think I could do it for my whole life. Wait. Let me back up.

I am a PA with The Shakespeare Theatre--No, the Shakespeare Theatre Company, complete with new logo and all. My show, The Comedy of Errors, starring the beautiful and wonderful Fly Boy, Daniel Breaker, doesn't actually start until September 27th. It's currently the 9th. Putting two and two together, I realized that I would have no income coming to me until the 27th (or, more accurately, about 2 weeks later.) So I got a part time job. Two of them in fact. I House Manage for TST (or tSTC, as it were) and I sell tickets and such for The Woolly Mammoth Theatre (currently, that's their name. I don't think they're changing it any time soon.)

I like selling tickets. I like making money. But it does get monotonis (monotonus? doing the same thing over and over.) I do get to check my e mail and write adorable word vomit on my blog, but I sit and answer the phones. But I need more. I need The Comedy of Errors. Now!!! I need the actors running around losing things and sending me to find them. I need the heavy scenery built and transported by 4 large men that must be carried onstage by me and me alone. I need the massive blood loss from the paper cuts that I get whilst copying copious amounts of paper that will be recycled next week for the new copious amounts of paper that I will copy then. I need the rush and excitement. I need to have more problems thrown at me with only a second to make it right. That's what I live for.


I've decided that I love what I do. I love stage managing. But after a lengthy discussion with a co-hort, I came to the conclusion that no one retires from stage managing. It just doesn't happen. I think our bodies and brains would give out way before then. So what should I do? I think, do this now, and make arrangements for other stuff later. I'm not that old. I could feasibly do this for a few more years, if, god willing, I eventually get health insurance. But what about later. When I throw my back out from that piece of scenery that "wasn't that heavy?" What about if I get a dog? That dog won't know who I am!! I work a lot, you know.

But I love it. So, I guess what I'm saying is, we'll see what happens.

That was disjointed.

Right now, I want to share this with you.

And Scott is a family friend. That's why I shake my head.

But seriously, what is with Joss Stone???

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I honestly have nothing to post so I'll ask...

Why is Joss Stone on every tribute album? Not just "soul" singers like herself, but rock stars too?

I just don't get it.

Friday, September 02, 2005


So I'm at work, running around the lobby (as I am want to do.) I hear a voice behind me saying my full name. I turn around and am confused as I didn't recognize the voice, nor do I recognize anyone in the lobby. A young man at the concession stand says his gull name and I realize that it's a guy that I went to high school with 8 years ago back in NW Ohio! He's in DC at Georgetown University studying law! Very crazy small world that we live in. (Side note, I never would've recognized this guy. At all. Ever. I think that the only reason he remembered me is that he dated my high school best friend all those years ago.)

So remember friends. It's a small world afterall.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Times they are a-changin

I finally have INTERNET in my APARTMENT!! And it's about friggin time.

Soon, I will have a COUCH in my APARTMENT!! No more fighting over the one comfy chair in the place. That'll be nice.

I feel so grown up.

On the other hand, gotta get back into the swing of things here. And things, they are a-changin.